Create Video

Host URL:

Endpoint: /api/request/subtitle

Method: POST


Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: <your_api_key> 

Request ( Body )

KeyData TypeDescriptionMandatory
videoUrlSTRINGURL of the source video (YouTube link or video file URL)Required
callBackUrlSTRINGURL to receive the response after all tasks are completedRequired
subtitleTemplateSTRINGChoose a subtitle template (default is Impact). Pass as “false” to skip.Required
videoTitleSTRINGTitle of your videoOptional
backgroundMusicBOOLEANAdd AI-generated music matching the mood of your video. Set to true to enableOptional
aiBRollBOOLEANAdd AI-generated B-roll footage to the video. Set to true to enableOptional